PMCC is a non-political, non-sectarian local capacity development NGO, which has been established in November 2006 recognized by and registered with Ministry of Interior of the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Currently PMCC has cooperated with YOOPEC for email marketing service to send their announcement for monthly training schedule. PMCC has sent announcement with more than 30000 email addresses among of people in Cambodia. PMCC has too many people knew and thousand trainee interested. All those things happen to PMCC because of email marketing service from YOOPEC.
PMCC now is interesting with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) because he know the powerful when he using SEO strategy to promote his training. PMCC owner has type related to his training in Google with some keywords but Google search result didn’t list his website. We has explain them with the powerful of SEO in Cambodia, it’s making them easy to start with this strategy.